All the works that Stanley Kubrick never dared to do!

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2020

Esmerald princess cruise

Guest service

Supper´s ready

The Atrium: floating stairs

The Atrium: place to relax

A star is born


Fantastic Journey

Montevideo (Uruguay)

Montevideo (Uruguay)

Artigas (Uruguay)

Casino games

Even or odd?

Ushuaia, (Argentina)


Slot machines

Monument to Magellan, 1920 (detail) bronze work of the sculptor Guillermo Córdova. Plaza Muñoz Gamero from Punta Arenas, Chile

Monument to Magellan, 1920, bronze work of the sculptor Guillermo Córdova. Plaza Muñoz Gamero from Punta Arenas, Chile

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020

Gaston Fébus (Livre de la chasse - 1387) Cuidados de perros de caza(Care of hunting dogs)

Gaston Fébus (Livre de la chasse - 1387) Refrigerio ( Refreshment )

Gaston Fébus (Livre de la chasse - 1387) Trampas para caceria (Hunting Traps)

Marco Polo sale de Venecia para ir a la China - 1400. Marco Polo leaves Venice to go to China - 1400

Vienna site Army of Solivan the Magnificent before the walls of Vienna


Rhodes Site

Battle of Mohacs:the battle of Mohács was a battle that led to the defeat of the Hungarian army commanded by the young King Louis II of Hungary, at the hands of the Ottoman army, under the command of Sultan Soliman the Magnificent

Sitio Otomano de Belgrado - 1521(Ottoman Site of Belgrade - 1521 )

miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2020

The Kremlin


Propaganda comunista ( Reclutamiento bolchevique de la guerra civil)Communist blurb(bolshevik recruitment of the Civil war)

Malévich un inglés en Moscú (1914) Malevich an englishman in Moscow (1914)

Iglesia de San Lázaro (Kizhi 1391) Church of St. Lazarus (Kizhi 1391)

Escenario de Natalia Goncharova para la ópera de Rimski-Korsakov El gallo de oro. Natalia Goncharova's stage for the Rimski-Korsakov opera The golden rooster.

Escaramuza medieval (Nóvgorod) Medieval skirmish (Novgorod)

El ciervo de Kostrómskaia (siglo VII a. C) The Kostrómskaia deer (7th century bC)

Coles (Ucrania) Cabbages (Ukraine)

Chéjov and Gorki (1900)

Catalina II

Casa de la Prensa (Kazajstán, Tashkent) House of the Press (Kazakhstan, Tashkent)

Cartel soviético contra la burocracia.Soviet poster against bureaucracy

Alekséi Mijáilovich ( zar 1645-1676) Alekséi Mikhailovich (tsar 1645-1676)

jueves, 30 de enero de 2020

Ottoman Site of Belgrade - 1521

Marco Polo leaves Venice to go to China - 1400

Gaston Fébus (Livre de la chasse - 1387) Huntings traps

Gaston Fébus (Livre de la chasse - 1387) Refreshment

Gaston Fébus (Livre de la chasse - 1387) Care of hunting dogs

The battle of Mohács was a battle that led to the defeat of the Hungarian army commanded by the young King Louis II of Hungary, at the hands of the Ottoman army, under the command of Sultan Soliman the Magnificent

Rhodes Site


Vienna site Army of Solivan the Magnificent before the walls of Vienna